Fugu Maze Mac OS

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こだわりの家づくりをサポートする、明和地所のリノベーションサービスtukurite(ツクリテ) Tel.0120-937-938. A fork of the fugu Mac OS X SFTP client. Contribute to eep/fugu development by creating an account on GitHub.

The following instructions should help you to connect to the CAE Lab's central file server from locations outside of campus, assuming Mac OS X is installed on the local computer.


CAE Lab users whoneed access to their files from off-campus can upload anddownload them easily using Fuguor other programs that use the SSH (secure shell) protocol. Thefollowing instructions detail how to set up and use Fugu for accessingyour CAE Lab files.

The first time you start Fugu, it will ask for the login informationfor your account on the lab's file server. You could enter it eachtime, but if you'll be using Fugu often, you'll want to save thesession information for future use.

In the Fugu startup window, enter files.cae.tntech.edu into the Connect to: text box. Enter your CAE Lab username into the Username text box. Click the Add to Favorites button at the bottom of the window.

Click the Connect button. Fugu will start up a connection,and if this is the first time you've used Fugu on this computer toconnect to the CAE Lab server, the following dialog will pop up:

Click the Continue button to accept the file server'sencryption key. Then, when prompted, enter your CAE Lab password in theFugu window and click the Authenticate button:

Cronette 1 8 – launch tasks automatically. If you entered the right password, Fugu will show you a folderlisting of your home directory, and of a directory stored locally (bydefault, the location of your home folder that stores your Desktop,Documents, and other items).

Fugu Maze Mac OS

Fugu supports drag-and-drop file operations, so you can easily finda file on your local system (on the desktop, or anywhere else), anddrop it into your file server directory on the right-hand side of theFugu dialog. Conversely, you can copy files from your CAE Lab accountto any directory on your local system by opening up the destinationfolder with the Finder, and then dragging the remote file onto thelocal directory. Your other option is to navigate the left-hand andright-hand Fugu panels to the desired local and remote directories, andthen drag files from one side of Fugu to the other.

Fugu Maze Mac OS

But before copying any files up to the CAE Lab server, you shouldensure that Fugu will not open up read access to other lab users. Bydefault, all files stored on the CAE Lab server are unreadable byanyone other than their owner, but this can be overridden by otherprograms. If you want to ensure that your files uploaded via Fugu arenot readable by any other users in the CAE Lab network, you have threeoptions.

Super monopoly slot machine. For the first option, you can set permissions for files afterthey're uploaded by right-clicking the file in the right side of theFugu window, and then selecting the Get Info menu option.

This brings up a file information dialog that includes the basicpermissions on the file as it is stored on the server. To prevent otherusers from viewing the file's contents, clear the checkboxes on the Group and Other entries in the Permissions frame at the bottom of the dialog, then click the Apply button.

The second option is to set the permissions on the local filesbefore they are uploaded, and tell Fugu to not modify permissionsduring the upload. Select one or more files in Finder, right-click one,and select the Get Info menu. Expand the Ownership & Permissions panel, and the Details panel beneath it. Select No Access for both the Group and Others selections, and the close the Item Info dialog.

After doing this, go back to Fugu and select Preferences from the Fugu menu. Click the Transfers icon, and click the checkbox for Retain permissions and access times when transferring files. Any of the files that you selected in the previous step will now be uploaded such that no other lab users can read your files.

The third option is to tell Fugu to not modify permissions of filesthat it uploads or downloads as in the previous method, and also to setup OS X to automatically create files that are only readable by theirowner, and not by others on the system. One program that can be used toset the default permissions is Tinkertool. Tinkertool recommends that you not restrict default file permissions when working under an administrative account,but to set up a separate non-administrative user account on the OS Xsystem if needed. If you use Tinkertool, you can select itsPermissions icon at the top of its window, and then click thecheckboxes as follows:

  • Read file, Read folder -- Group: Don't allow; Others: Don't allow
  • Write file, Create or delete objects -- Group: Don't allow, Others: Don't allow

Fugu Maze Mac Os 11

Changes to the default permissions made in Tinkertool will take effect on your next login. Logic pro x multiple audio interfaces.

Fugu Maze Mac Os Download

Now, if you drag and drop a file from your desktop or elsewhere ontothe CAE Lab directory shown in Fugu, it will be uploaded with nofurther action required. A progress dialog will pop up while the fileis uploading, but will disappear when the upload is finished. You canalso drag files from the left side of the Fugu window to the right sideto upload them to the server.

Fugu Maze Mac Os X

Ignition bitcoin withdrawal. File downloads are done in reverse. Find the file in the CAE Labdirectory panel, and then drag and drop it into a local directory, suchas your desktop. A progress dialog will appear while the file isdownloading, but will disappear afterwards. You can also drag filesfrom the right side of the Fugu window to the left side to downloadthem from the server.