Andromeda Six | Tea Time With Oppo Mac OS

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Hop aboard the Andromeda Six in your favorite character's color. If you're going to stay on this ship, you need to look the part. Become an official addition to the Andromeda. #andromeda six #a6 #andromeda six fandub #mod silver #simba is tHE BEST #i want simba and my cat holly to be the mascots of this dub #LOL #its simbas little paws that give me the most #hes so PRECIOUS #look at his lil nose omg i just want to boop it #what a baby omg #can u imagine his little paws running #im going to have to pester the other.

About The Project:

With the permission of the developers, I am starting a fandub of the visual novel game Andromeda Six, which is a sci-fi fantasy story game with romantic elements. It follows a customizable main character (named Nico for this production) and their journey through the universe of different planets. This project will span over a time of months and is nonprofit (but you'd get a lot of exposure, they have a steady fanbase). I think this is a fantastic way for voice actors to gain experience, as I am not looking for anything crazy, just that you can express basic emotions in your voice and be committed.

The game is still being developed, as it is released in a chapter by chapter basis; if you do not get a role, do not fear, as there is a chance I will reach out you because I was so impressed by your audition and you will be cast for a character that has come out in a later chapter.

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About Andromeda Six:

'Set in the year 3025, you take on the role of a lost traveler. With no memory of your past, you wake up on the starship, Andromeda Six, surrounded by its crew of outcasts, each with their own vivid backstory and one common goal. You must try to recover the pieces of your past to uncover your true identity and purpose, while learning to survive the political turmoil overtaking the galaxy after its recent terrorist attacks. On your journey you may end up discovering more than what you bargained for, but can you handle the truth of your past or will it end up consuming you? Will you follow the destiny the stars have written for you, or forge a new path?'

- from the official Andromeda Six's here.

All character descriptions (except Nico and Vexx) are from Andromeda Six's Tumblr here.

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UPDATE 8/28/20:
We have released all parts of Episode One and Episode Two here. Please check them out!

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- I'd like you to be 17 or older due to the mature themes explored.
- Like every other project on this website, please no background noise and minimal echo/reverb in your recordings.
- If cast, in addition to your primary role, I might have you voice extras
- You must have discord for communication purposes. When you audition, please add your discord username (Name#0000) so if you are cast, I can send you a request.
- Be committed and able to meet deadlines. I also deal with Life(TM), but please if something is going on and you're unable to meet the deadline, let me know 1-2 days (or more preferably!) ahead of time.
- Be respectful. Wherever you go, whether it's online or in real life, there will be people that you don't like, but you still have to always respect people. I seriously doubt I'll have problems, but I expect you to be a good person by not spreading rumors, hurting feelings, or being unkind to another person. Treat others how you'd like to be treated. That being said, be open-minded, as this visual novel is LGBTQ+
- In the description of your audition, leave your name, age (preferably, but optional), and discord tag (Name#0000)
- When auditioning, don't read anything in parentheses, those are for guidance or other lines to help you contextualize the audition lines.
- Audition for as many characters as you'd like!

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- 5/22: People cast will be notified around June 1st or June 2nd via Casting Call Club messaging and Discord (a friend request from me, from Silver#7086).
- 5/23: If you request feedback, I'm more than happy to give some, and will send you a message on here~
- 5/27: I'm shooketh, someone gave me a microphone on the project ❤︎ ≧◡≦ Thank you so much!
- 8/6: More characters will be added soon~!
- 8/28: Alisa and Zane auditions have been added! They will close Sept 18th!

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About Me:
My name is Silver! I am a Pisces INFJ completing my bachelor's in Biology and I love astrology, tarot, singing, playing flute, and playing games in my free time (generally visual novels, but also some Town of Salem, Dead By Daylight, and Minecraft). I've voice acted before in a dub of the game The Arcana and some other smaller roles. I've also had some directing experience and love to make friends!

If you have questions, message me on Casting Call or on Discord: Silver#7086 (I'm more active on Discord)
That being said, please audition if you are interested and have tons of fun~


Episodes and Releases

When will the next Episode be out?
When it’s ready to go. Any official dates for releases will be posted on our social media, but besides that we will never give specific dates.

Do you have a schedule for the Episodes?
At the moment, no. We aim to have an Episode released roughly every two months, but DLC releases and other external factors can affect that timing.

How many episodes will the game have?
We are working with a 10 Episode plan, but we reserve the right to extend that if the need arises.

Will A6 still be free after it is completed?
No. After the last Episode is released, we will be putting a price on the game to assist with covering production costs. From there we will be editing and refining the game, adding some cool, new features, and re-releasing it in its final version.

Characters and Gameplay

Do you have to pick a romance in the game?
No, not at all. It’s possible to play a non-romantic route simply by choosing not to flirt with anyone, or by not locking down a route in Episode 5

When will routes be locked?
In Episode 5.

Will there be NSFW content?
The game is rated 17+ so there will be a small amount, but we’re saving the real NSFW content for a specific DLC later on.

How tall are the LI’s?
Answered here and here.

How old are the LI’s?
Answered here and here.

Andromeda Six Tea Time With Oppo Mac Os Catalina

What are the LI’s birthdays?
Answered here.

How old is Traveler?
21-22 years old.

How would the LI’s react to a tall/short/bossy/shy/etc MC
The LI’s, if you choose to play their route, will love MC no matter what.

How would the LI’s react to MC’s cooking/nightmares/singing/etc or Do the LI’s have hobbies/what do they read/what shows would they watch/etc or How would the LI’s react to MC being sick/dying/getting injured.
Please don’t send us these asks. We receive a ton of them, and have answered a lot already. They become very time consuming. You will be able to get a good grasp of the LI’s personalities and how they would react to certain situations throughout the game.

What’s going on with [choose your LI]?
Please don’t send us these asks. You will find out all about them in game, and we won’t give out spoilers for their arcs.
Can MC choose to leave the crew?
No, the story revolves around them. It would make no sense for us to let MC run off.
Are they going to change the name to Andromeda 8 now that MC and Vexx are with them?
No, the ship’s name is Andromeda Six, not the crew. They won’t change it regardless of how many people are squeezed in there.


Andromeda Six Tea Time With Oppo Mac Os Download

Will you ever share Patreon content on the blog?
No. The main game is free and will remain so until it is completed, the content we release on Patreon is exclusive for those who pay for it, and it is by no means required to enjoy the game and the story.

Can I share Patreon content?
Absolutely not. Content on both the Official A6 Patreon and any of the developers personal Patreon’s can not be shared to friends, fan-groups, or Discord servers. The penalty for doing so will be an instant ban and/or further action.


Why aren’t the DLCs free?
The DLCs are an extra side project that we, as a team, have decided to take on. Similar to Patreon content, the DLC’s are not required to enjoy the main game and story, and the money made is used to assist with game development and ensure the developers are being fairly compensated for the time they spend working on the game.

Why do you make DLC’s instead of focusing on the main game?
As stated above, the DLC’s help the development team to make a small profit in order to continue developing the main game.
No profit= no A6.


Are you taking new writers/artists?
No. If we ever open a position again, we will be sure to make an announcement for it, but we have no plans of changing our team for now or the foreseeable future.


Can I create fanart or fanfiction of Andromeda Six and it’s characters?
Yes, absolutely. In fact, we encourage it, and love seeing your creations.

Andromeda Six Tea Time With Oppo Mac Os 10

Can I sell/take commissions for A6 fanfiction?
No. Under no circumstances do we allow A6 fanfiction to be sold or created for profit.

Can I sell/take commissions for A6 fanart?
Yes, under specific conditions. A6 fanart may only be distributed as a single, unique two-dimensional image for a single commissioner. You may not create or sell fanart with the intent for it to reproduced.


Can I post videos of Andromeda Six?
For the main game, which is free, yes you can post videos on your YouTube channel. We ask that you don’t post content/videos of the DLC’s as that gives people a reason to only watch the content in your video instead of buying it and supporting us by experiencing it for themselves.

Will there ever be a character creator in the game?
It’s something we’re considering doing once the game is finished and we repackage it as a full game, however that is not definite, and it won’t happen before that in any case.

Will Andromeda Six be released on Steam?
We have no plans for that at the moment, but it may be something we look into once the game is complete.

Are you going to translate Andromeda Six into other languages/Would you like me to translate A6 for you?
At this stage, no. Andromeda Six is far from being completed, and translation isn’t something we are considering at this stage of development. If we ever do decide to take on translators to help with the task, we will advertise on social media.

For any other questions or queries, please contact us at