Suspicion (Akshay Goel) Mac OS

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A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Android

  1. Suspicion (akshay Goel) Mac Os Catalina
  2. Suspicion (akshay Goel) Mac Os X
  3. Suspicion (akshay Goel) Mac Os 11

The protein cross-reactive material 197 (CRM197) is known to catalyze the hydrolytic cleavage of DNA (DNase activity). A suspected metal-binding site (S109, T111, and E112) and suspected DNA-bindin. If you have Mac OS or Mac Computer, then you have to use some VMWare to run it as Playchess Desktop Client has native support on Windows OS only. The tournament cannot be.

Suspicion is a found phone detective. You assume the role of a detective, trying to solve the case of a missing girl. The only evidence you currently have is her phone. The organization you work for has installed a special application which allows you to do the following

  • Go back in time and view the contents of the phone as per that time
  • Collect evidences by double clicking on them
  • Question suspects and uncover the truth

Suspicion (akshay Goel) Mac Os Catalina

Please note : This is a very early demo of the game, if you could give your feedback, that'll be really great.

StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Android
AuthorAkshay Goel
GenreInteractive Fiction, Puzzle
Made withUnity, GIMP
TagsCrime, Detective, Experimental, Mystery, Noir, Story Rich, Text based, Unity
Average sessionAbout a half-hour
InputsMouse, Touchscreen
AccessibilityInteractive tutorial

Install instructions

1) Download the file corresponding to your OS

2) Extract it for Windows and Mac

3) Double Click on the .exe file


Development log

  • Envisioning a new kind of a found phone game
    May 07, 2020

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I was trying to play this game with a friend and their computer's highest resolution was 1366 x 768 and mine is 1920 x 1080. On my computer I didn't have any issues but on their computer the bottom of the phone screen is cut off and they can't go back in time on the phone to look things up. It didn't matter what settings they choose when they ran the application, the game was always getting cut off and we could not figure out a way for them to play.

Administrative Matters

Spring 2011, Monday and Wednesday, 2:00-3:20, SGM 226

Instructor: Jernej Barbic
Office: SAL 230
Office hours: Monday 3:30 - 5:00

TA: Yili Zhao
Office: SAL 112
Office hours: Thursday 1:00 - 3:00

Introduction and Purposes

This course introduces students to physically based simulation for computer graphics and related fields. Physically based simulation is an active research area in computer graphics, with applications to computer games, virtual reality systems, and film special effects. Efficient numerical methods for simulating a variety of visually interesting physical phenomena will be discussed in the context of interactive simulation. Topics include deformable objects (solids, cloth), fluids, sound simulation, collision detection, haptics, rigid body dynamics, and GPU programming. In addition to computer science students, this course should also be appropriate for graduate students in related disciplines such as mathematics and physics.

SchedulePrerequisitesAssignments and projectGrading

DateTopicReading, slides, and other materialNotesScribe notes
Mon Jan 10 2011

Overview of physical simulation in computer graphics and interactive applications

Wed Jan 12Overview of physical simulation in computer graphics and interactive applications
Mon Jan 17No class (Martin Luther King Day)
Wed Jan 19Primer on numerical simulation and linear algebra for graphicsD. Baraff and A. Witkin: Physically Based Modeling, course notes, SIGGRAPH 2001Assignment 1 out
Mon Jan 24
Wed Jan 26CMU slides on OpenGL shadingCMU slides on texture mapping
Mon Jan 31

Structured deformable objects: cloth

D. Baraff and A. Witkin: Large steps in cloth simulation, SIGGRAPH 1998

Ankit Chaudhari
Wed Feb 2

Structured deformable objects: hair

F. Bertails, B. Audoly, M.P. Cani, B. Querleux, F. Leroy, J.L. Lévêque: Super-Helices for Predicting the Dynamics of Natural Hair, SIGGRAPH 2006

S. Hadap and co-organizers: Strands and Hair: Modeling, Animation, and Rendering, course notes, SIGGRAPH 2007

Doke Hrudesh
Mon Feb 7Structured deformable objects: FEMM. Mueller and M. Gros: Interactive virtual materials, Graphics Interface 2004

Assignment 1 due

Fun Shing Sin
Wed Feb 9

Lagrange mechanics and FEM

J. Barbic: Real-time Reduced Large-Deformation Models and Distributed Contact for Computer Graphics and Haptics , PhD thesis, 2007 (pages 33-42)

M. Mueller and co-organizers:Real-time physics, course notes, SIGGRAPH 2008 (pages 43-51)

S. Capell, S. Green, B. Curless, T. Duchamp, Z. Popovic:Interactive Skeleton-Driven Dynamic Deformations, SIGGRAPH 2002

Rejah Anuvar
Mon Feb 14

Rigid body dynamics

D. Baraff and A. Witkin: Physically Based Modeling, course notes (the chapter on Rigid Body Dynamics),SIGGRAPH 2001Jonathan Culp
Wed Feb 16Constraints and contactD. Baraff and A. Witkin: Physically Based Modeling, course notes (the chapters 'Constrained Dynamics' and 'Collision and Contact'), SIGGRAPH 2001Yufeng Zhu
Mon Feb 21No class (President's Day)
Wed Feb 23Collision detection

Ming Lin's course notes on collision detectionCollision detection at UNC, Chapel Hill

The Gilbert-Johnson-Keerthi Algorithm (

Y. Kim, M. Otaduy, M. Lin, D. Manocha: Fast Penetration Depth Computation for Physically-based Animation, ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation, 2002

Recep Doga Siyli
Mon Feb 28Collision detection

Ming Lin's course notes on bounding volume hierarchies and spatial partitioning

S. Gottschalk, M. Lin, D. Manocha: OBB-Tree: A Hierarchical Structure for Rapid Interference Detection, SIGGRAPH 1996

S. Quinlan: Efficient Distance Computation between Non-Convex Objects, ICRA 1994

Yezhisai Murugesan
Wed Mar 2

Fracture and cutting

J. O'Brien and J. Hodgins: Graphical Modeling and Animation of Brittle Fracture,SIGGRAPH 99.

E. Parker and J. O'Brien: Real-Time Deformation and Fracture in a Game Environment, ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation, 2009

Akshay Hegiste
Mon Mar 7

Fluids (Navier-Stokes)

J. Stam: Stable Fluids, SIGGRAPH 1999Assignment 2 dueVishak Nag Ashoka
Wed Mar 9Fluids (Navier-Stokes)

N. Foster, D. Metaxas: Realistic animation of liquids, Graphical Models and Image Processing, 58(5), 1996

Rohit Vishal Kotian
Mon Mar 14No class (spring break)
Wed Mar 16No class (spring break)
Mon Mar 21

Simulation on programmable graphics hardware (GPUs)

Slides on shaders and GPUs
C. Everitt: OpenGL ARB Vertex Program, E. Hart: OpenGL ARB Fragment Program, Game Developers Conference 2003
L. Wei: A Crash Course on Programmable Graphics HardwareGP-GPU Tutorial
OpenGL API OpenGL Shading Language Sample Code & TutorialsCg (Nvidia)

Samuel Woo
Wed Mar 23

Guest Lecture: Christopher Cameron, NVIDIA:
Simulation on programmable graphics hardware (CUDA)

J. Georgii, R. Westermann:Mass-spring systems on the GPU

Yongqiang Li
Mon Mar 28Fluids (Navier-Stokes)

A. Treuille, A. Lewis, Z. Popovic: Model reduction for real-time fluids, SIGGRAPH 2006

Samuel Yung
Wed Mar 30


K. Salisbury and F. Conti:Haptic Rendering: Introductory Concepts, IEEE Computer Graphics, 2004 (a survey)

M. Lin and M. Otaduy: Recent Advances in Haptic Rendering & Applications, SIGGRAPH 2005 Course Notes

Ningyuan Shi
Mon Apr 4Haptics

J. Barbic and D. James: Six-DoF Haptic Rendering of Contact between Geometrically Complex Reduced Deformable Models, IEEE Transactions on Haptics 2008

Christopher Mangus
Wed Apr 6

Sound simulation

J. O'Brien, C. Shen, and C. Gatchalian:Synthesizing Sounds from Rigid-Body Simulations, SCA 2002Wei Wu
Mon Apr 11

Case study: Havok engine for physics in games

Wed Apr 13

Guest lecture: Dr. Doug Roble, Digital Domain

Mon Apr 18

Data-driven approaches to simulation (motion capture)

J. Lee, J. Chai, P. Reitsma, J. Hodgins, N. Pollard:Interactive Control of Avatars Animated with Human Motion Data, SIGGRAPH 2002

J. Barbic, A. Safonova, J. Pan, C. Faloutsos, J. Hodgins, N. Pollard:Segmenting Motion Capture Data into Distinct Behaviors, Graphics Interface, 2004

Ting-Chun Sun
Wed Apr 20Data-driven approaches to simulation (motion capture)V. Zordan, N. Horst:Mapping optical motion capture data to skeletal motion using a physical model, ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation, 2003 SlidesVideos
Mon Apr 25Project presentations
Wed Apr 27Project presentationsProject due


  • A grade of at least B in CS580, or explicit permission of instructor
  • Familiarity with calculus, linear algebra, and numerical computation
  • C/C++ programming skills
  • Assignments and project

    There will be two programming homework assignments, and a programming class project.

    In each assignment, the student will program an interactive computer graphics simulation, related to the material covered in class. Tentative topics are a mass-spring system simulation, and a dynamic simulation of rigid bodies with constraints.

    Students will be able to select their individual topic for the final project. Examples: implement a SIGGRAPH paper of your choice, implement an elaborate demo using a physics game engine (e.g., Havok), a fluid solver, a collision detection algorithm, a robotic rigid multi-body system, a real-time sound simulator, a fast FEM deformable object simulation, a simulation in CUDA, etc.

    Backgrounds in OpenGL or Direct3D are going to be very helpful for the homework assignments and the project. There will be at least one programming assignment in OpenGL and C. Students who do not have experience with OpenGL can still take the course, but they have to be ready to spend additional time to gain the necessary OpenGL proficiency to program the assignments.

    Scribe notes

    Every student will be taking scribe notes in one lecture during the semester, establishing a common reference point for the class.The quality of the scribe notes will be a factor in the student's class participation grade.The scribe notes should accurately represent the material discussed in class. Expected length of the notes is 1-2 pages. For example, see the following notes for a lecture in theCMU machine learning course.The notes are due 1 week after the lecture, and must be submitted by email to the instructor.In order to reserve a lecture to scribe, students should send an email to the instructor. If a student does not have a lecture assigned by Thursday, Jan 28, he or she will be assigned one by the instructor.

    All scribe notes will be published publicly on the course website, so thatthe rest of the class can use them to review the class material.By default, the student's name will be included with the notes - but a student may, at his or her discretion, request for the notes to bemade anonymous. Doing so will have no effect on the student's grade.


    All the assignments and the note-scribing must be done individually. The project can be done either individually, or in a groupof two students. All assignments, scribe notes, and the project must be completed to pass the course.

    ·Assignments: 20% each (40% total)

    ·Project: 50%

    ·Class participation: 10%

    The project grade will include the quality of the project proposal, project progress report, project milestone results,final project report, and the mandatory in-class project presentation.

    Late policy

    All work submitted after the deadline will receive a substantial score deduction, including potentially a zero score. Exceptions will be granted only under most dire circumstances and must be discussed with and approved by the instructor in advance.

    Statement for Students with Disabilities

    Any student requesting academic accommodations based on a disability is required to register with Disability Services and Programs (DSP) each semester. A letter of verification for approved accommodations can be obtained from DSP. Please be sure the letter is delivered to me (or to TA) as early in the semester as possible. DSP is located in STU 301 and is open 8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The phone number for DSP is (213) 740-0776.

    Suspicion (akshay Goel) Mac Os X

    Academic integrity

    All students are expected to maintain the utmost level of academic integrity. Passing off anyone else's (whether it be a fellow student or someone outside the university) work as your own is a serious infraction, and will lead to appropriate sanctions. Files that are clearly the same, or altered copies of each other, will receive zero credit and the USC Office of Student Judicial Affairs and Community Standards will be notified. Please consult the USC Student Conduct Code for details on what is and is not appropriate, and for the possible consequences of infractions.

    Suspicion (akshay Goel) Mac Os 11

    USC Statement on Academic Integrity

    USC seeks to maintain an optimal learning environment. General principles of academic honesty include the concept of respect for the intellectual property of others, the expectation that individual work will be submitted unless otherwise allowed by an instructor, and the obligations both to protect one’s own academic work from misuse by others as well as to avoid using another’s work as one’s own. All students are expected to understand and abide by these principles. Scampus, the Student Guidebook, contains the Student Conduct Code in Section 11.00, while the recommended sanctions are located in Appendix A. Students will be referred to the Office of Student Judicial Affairs and Community Standards for further review, should there be any suspicion of academic dishonesty. The Review process can be found at: